Thursday, April 13, 2006

River Tradition: A Civilization in South Kalimantan in the 16th-19th Century

by Andi Nuralang


Among the uncountable rivers flowing in the eastern part of South Kalimantan, there are four rivers that played a leading role back in the 16th to the 19th Century. These rivers are the Batulicin, Kusan, Cantung and Bangkalaan Rivers. Archaeological traces of ancient mosques, cemeteries and old ports, which have existed and developed along the river basins indicate that formerly activity sites were established close to the coast and then grew progressively toward the hinterland. It is by means of these rivers, whether supremacies of political expansion or global and interinsular trading contacts have taken place.

(Source: Naditira Widya Number 7, November 2001:71-89; ISSN 1410-0932)


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